Friday, December 19, 2008

Character Builder

When I was riding my bike there was on stop sign I called "the character builder". It's midway up a hill on the ride home. You have to decide to fully stop the bike and put your foot down on the ground. Then you need to decide to start pedaling again mid-hill when you're tired. The other option is to do a slow-and-go and hope that neither the coaches nor the cops catch you. Deciding to stop the bike when you're tired - character builder.

I've got a few character builder hills for running also. One is at the tail end of Sunset Cliffs. You go up a very steep hill and then do a little dogleg to go up the steepest hill I've ever run. You can pretend you don't know about that dogleg and skip that last part of the hill, but then that's not a character builder.

To prep for Dallas, I planned a little 10 miler though Sunset Cliffs. I blew away that hill, better than I've EVER done it. In fact, I was able to keep up with Pat who normally beats me easily on hills. A week earlier I bounded on up Laurel Street hill like it was flat.

I've got to credit the cross training from Peak Performance. We haven't been running hills, but I'm a much improved climber.

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