This was a great trip and a fun race.
I got to stay with my friend Erica which was very cool. I hadn't seen Erica since Leia and Jim's wedding two years ago. It was awesome to hang out and catch up. Erica's husband was out of town, but her three super-dogs were home to keep us amused.
On race morning, Erica woke up at o'dark o'clock and drove me to the starting line - what a luxury. Normally, I'm trying to find the parking and starting line on my own. It was great to have a local take on that chore. Once Erica dropped me at the start, she drove to the finish line and rode her bike back to watch the race.
The half marathon started at an entirely civilized 8:30am. I felt pretty strong and was having a nice morning. I ran into Erica somewhere in the first few miles. It's so nice to see a familiar face on the course.
There was really good course support with lots of people out cheering. My favorite cheering section was the belly dancers. There should be more belly dancing at my events.
Around mile 6 my foot started to twinge, but it was no where near the hobbling pain I had in Dallas in December. From there to the end of the race I nursed it a bit - not running hard or pounding my foot. At mile 8, I met up with Stacy from the NYC chapter of TNT. She was nursing a cranky IT band (I've been there). She and I chatted and zipped through the last few miles together.
For once, I had my nutrition precisely right and I was strong all day. I had my usual pre-race rice krispy treat, a tiny bit of trail mix on the course, about half of a Gu at mile 9 and Cytomax at every aid station. I'd heard that Cytomax was the best drink and now I completely believe it. That stuff rocks.
At the end of the of the race, I met up with Erica and we had an ice cold beer. Oh, sweet, delicious beer. After that it was a nice lunch and a plane home to San Diego.
Like I said, a great trip and a fun race.