Monday, May 16, 2011

Bike Week Completed

Put another long training week into the books.  This was bike week.

For several weeks I've been telling Steve there was something wrong with my handle bars since I've had consistent pain in the muscle under my right shoulder blade.  I couldn't figure it out - bars too low, bars uneven?  Steve thought it was probably my posture on the bike.

Steve and I went out for a ride yesterday to check my bike fit.  As we were getting our bikes ready to ride I really looked a handle bars.  My left brake lever/hood was very slightly rotated inward.  Stevie muscled it to the right spot.  Voilà!  No more back pain.  After watching me ride, he also raised my bike seat.  That helped a lot and I'm getting a lot more power on the climbs.

This is recovery week.  Oh, yeah.  I've got a long run on Saturday, but that's my only "all out" workout this week.  I'm very, very excited to have a nice, light training load.

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